The secret ingredient for the recipe challenge is Craft Beer. I chose New Holland SUNDOG amber ale. The description on the bottle says it has a subtle sweetness and a nutty finish. That sounded like a good combination to make a pumpkin beer ice cream. I had gone looking for a pumpkin beer but it must all be seasonal because there was none to be found. To get the pumpkin taste I decided to add pumpkin puree and pumpkin pie spice to the mixture.
When I went to get my half and half in the store, right beside it they had egg nog. Then I had a light bulb moment and decided that the egg nog would add a nice taste in place of half and half. For the finishing touches I decided to add a cut up bar of Ghirardelli white chocolate and glazed pecans. I was drooling in the store just buying the ingredients and imaging in my mind how this was going to taste.
For the Spiked recipe challenge the secret ingredient has to be used and be either baked or cooked. For this challenge I did a cooked custard ice cream base. After cooking the custard, it goes into the refrigerator over night so it is good and cold when you put it in your ice cream maker.
With the cooked custard ice cream base having egg yolks you will need to temper your egg mixture with a little of the scalded milk/egg nog/ beer mixture. This is so you do not end up putting scrambled eggs in your ice cream base.
Head on over to Julie's blog This Gal Cooks and Carrie's blog Frugal Foodie Mama to see all the fabulous craft beer recipes.
Pumpkin Pecan Beer Ice Cream
Nina Jones
1 Cup whipping cream
1 Cup egg nog
1 Cup beer
5 egg yolks
2/3 Cup sugar
2/3 Cup pumpkin puree
1 Tablespoon vanilla
3/4 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice
4 ounce chopped White Chocolate
1/2 cups chopped pecans
Mix together the egg yolk and sugar until light and fluffy, set aside
In a medium sauce pan add the whipping cream, egg nog and beer. Bring the mixture just to a boil. Take off the heat. Take a little bit of the hot mixture and add it to the egg/sugar mixture stirring it in quickly to temper the egg mixture. Pour the egg mixture into the sauce pan with the cream/egg nog/beer mixture and place back on the stove and cook until it reaches 170 degrees.
Mix the pumpkin pie spice into the pumpkin puree. Add the pumpkin puree and vanilla to the ice cream mixture. Put into an air tight container and place in the refrigerator overnight.
When ready place the ice cream mixture into your ice cream maker and follow your manufactures instructions. When the ice cream is almost done (about 15 minutes before you think it is finished) add the chopped candy bar and glazed nuts into the maker. When ice cream is done put it in an air tight container and freeze for at least 4 hours or overnight.
This recipe is also shared at: Click on the links below to see all the wonderful recipes at these parties