Today Cally and I made 10 pumpkin rolls for the soup kitchen's Thanksgiving Dinner for the homeless that was held tonight. Cally and I also went and served deserts at the dinner tonight. We realize how blessed we truly are.
I am thankful for my wonderful husband and my great kids, I am thankful for the roof over my head and that I have a warm bed at night. These are things that I found out tonight that some of these people who came for dinner do not have. I heard stories about people who have been drug free going on 41 days and kids who will sit in the servers laps and do not want to get down when it is time to go home. One of the workers at the soup kitchen at one point stood up and said that he had boots out back in his trunk that he was giving away to anyone who needed them as long as they lasted, the place cleared out...I was shocked at how they all got up and followed him out. This was a real eye opener for Cally and I that there really are people right here in our town that do not have the things we come to take for granted.
Right before Cally and I left a lady got up and started was absolutely beautiful. It touched out hearts to hear her wonderful voice. Our church feeds the homeless at the soup kitchen on Wednesdays. I have been fixing food off and on for a while now and sending it with my good friend Kathy but tonight Kathy had invited Cally and I to come see what it is all about and we were glad we did. I am going to try and start being better about sending more food to the soup kitchen after seeing what I did tonight.
Now for the pumpkin roll....Billy said it is the best pumpkin roll we have ever made.
Pumpkin Roll
3 eggs
1 C sugar
3 t cinnamon
1/2 t salt
2/3 C pumpkin
1 t lemon juice
1 t ginger
3/4 C flour
1 t baking powder
1/2 t nutmeg
8 oz cream cheese
1 C powdered sugar
4 T butter
1/2 t vanilla
Beat eggs, gradually add sugar. Add pumpkin and lemon juice. Add flour, cinnamon, salt, ginger, baking powder and nutmeg, mix well. Pour into a 15x10x1 inch greased and floured jelly roll pan and bake at 375 for 15 minutes. Turn onto towel sprinkled with powdered sugar and towel and cake together. Cool. Unroll and spread with mixture of 1 C powdered sugar, 8oz cream cheese, 4 T butter and 1/2 t vanilla, re roll and chill.