My Christmas baking is finished. Today I made these melted snowman/snowgirl cookies. I saw these on the internet last year on Truly Custom Cakery and never got around to making them. I thought they were the cutest cookies I had ever seen. For iced sugar cookies they were also the easiest sugar cookies I have done. No need to use a cookie cutter because melted snowman/snowgirls are all out of shape from melting.
I just took a scoop of sugar cookie dough and rolled it out into a circle shape. Then placed them on the baking sheet to bake. After cooling I iced them. You can use your favorite icing recipe to ice these cookies. It just needs to be a little thin to make it look like it is running over the top of the cookies. After icing the cookie just place a large marshmallow on top of each cookie. Before I added more water to my icing to thin it out I took a small amount out and colored it black and orange. With this black and orange icing I piped eyes, buttons, arms and a nose with a Wilton icing tip #3. I also used some Wilton snowflake sprinkles to decorate with.
I received an early Christmas present last weekend before I started making my cookies. If you remember back to this summer I had made a post for cookies and in it I showed you my scraping paddle attachment that I broke mixing up those cookies. Well Cally remembered and while she was away at school she had bought me a new scraping paddle and brought it home to me......Luv U Cally!
Last night we were hit with a winter storm here in Ohio. The really bad part of the storm is the wind gust that are reaching 50 mph. It looks like we have about 2 inches of snow but the wind is blowing the snow so hard we are having white outs and drifting on the roads. It started out yesterday as rain so there are roads that are very slick. I need to finish my shopping and go to the grocery. Cally and I started out for town and only made it about 5 miles down the road to Lawrenceville. We did our few errands that were close and came back home.
The first picture is out our back door and the second picture is out the front door. I did not want to go to far out because the wind was blowing the snow so bad, you can really see the white out in the first picture.
The dough recipe I used for these snowman/snowgirl cookies is my favorite sugar cookie dough recipe.
Snowman/Snowgirl Cookies
source: The Girl who Ate Everything
1 C sour cream
2 C sugar
1 C butter
4 eggs
1 t vanilla extract
6 C flour
3 t baking powder
1 t baking soda
1 t salt
Preheat oven to 350 degrees
Combine sour cream, sugar, butter, eggs and vanilla. Beat for 2-3 minutes
Add dry ingredients and mix well. Let dough chill in fridge for 25 minutes or until firm.
Roll dough out until about 1/4 inch thick and use cookie cutters to make shapes or circles
Bake until light golden brown, about 8-10 minutes (I baked for 8 minutes)
makes about 4 dozen
source: Taste and Tell
2 3/4 C powdered sugar
2 t vegetable shortening
3 T water
1 T corn syrup
1/2 t vanilla
food coloring and sprinkles
Beat all ingredients well, the icing should be a little stiff. Spoon out enough icing to pipe the decorations for your snowman/snowgirl cookies. Add food coloring and stir well
To the remaining icing add about 1 T water to make the icing a little runny. Spread the icing on the cookies almost to the edge. Place a marshmallow on top of the cookie for the head and use the orange and black icing to decorate. May also add additional baking sprinkles to decorate cookies.