Growing up I HATED Brussel Sprouts. I believe mom would boil them and the serve them with melted butter.
Cally and I had been seeing Roasted Brussel Sprouts floating around on pinterest. Cally will eat just about any vegetable. She takes after her dad and not her mom when it comes to fruit and vegetables. But I decided I would give them a try cause hey every thing is better if it is cooked with bacon.
And the saying held true..... these brussel sprouts were out of this world good!!! We have had them several times since.
Roasted Brussel Sprouts
1 pound brussel sprouts
5 pieces bacon cut up into pieces
4 Tbps melted butter
salt and pepper
clean brussel sprouts by peeling off the outside leaves, rinsing off under water and cutter sprouts in half. Place brussel sprouts and bacon pieces on cookie sheet and toss to mix them up. Pour melted butter over the sprouts and bacon and toss until well coated. Salt and pepper sprouts. Place in 400 degree oven for 30 minutes (after 15 minutes take out of the oven and stir brussel sprouts, continue baking for 15 more minutes)